Date: 8 February 2024, 19.30-21.00 Central European Time
Title: Thumb base arthropathy
Presenters: Jean Goubau, Ilse Degreef, Joris Duerinckx (Belgium)
Chair of the webinar: Jonathan Hobby (UK)
Jean Goubau is an orthopaedic surgeon who trained at the State University of Ghent (Belgium). He trained also as assistant/ fellow at the Université de Montpellier (France) / Mayo Clinic – Rochester (USA). He started his hand surgery in 1998 and is currently appointed to the Maria Middelares Ziekenhuis in Ghent and the University Hospital of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) as guest lecturer/ professor. His main interest and also the basis of his PhD, is painful dysplasia / instability of the trapezio metacarpal joint and its (non-) surgical treatment. He is currently coordinating the Practical Course for the French Society for Surgery of the Hand (SFCM).
Ilse Degreef is a hand and wrist surgeon at Leuven Univerity Hospitals (Belgium) and is currently the president of the Belgian Hand Group. She coordinates the Belgian Hand Surgery Certificate and is one of the Executive Committee members of FESSH chairing the Relationship Committee. After defending her PhD on Dupuytren disease, she now continues to be a part-time researcher at Leuven University.
Joris Duerinckx graduated as an orthopaedic surgeon at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and served as a hand surgery fellow at the C.M. Kleinert Institute in Louisville (KY, USA). In 2009 he started the hand surgery department in ZOL hospital in Genk (Belgium). He is a board member of the Belgian Hand Group. He defended his doctoral thesis regarding thumb trapeziometacarpal total joint arthroplasty and this remains one of his clinical and research interests.
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